Unity Tutorial 04


This week’s unity tutorials probably took me the longest to complete. I was struggling with Sprite animations for a while. I kept reading the instructions over and over again until I fully understood them. Eventually, I got there and was able to complete it. 

screenshot of my game

The first tutorial was about sprite animations. This took me the longest because there was a lot of reading involved, but I guess it was fine. I only did the first tutorial for this day as I felt like I spent so much time on one tutorial, therefore I made the decision to continue with the second unity tutorial the next day.

The second tutorial was about how to make Ruby throw projectiles to fix the broken robots. This was an easier tutorial but still took me a long time to complete. I’m enjoying the tutorials so far, however, I do miss the tutorials with video instructions as I feel like I’m a visual learner and it was easier for me to understand the instructions by watching someone go through it on their screen, but it’s alright so far I guess.

In conclusion, there were tough tutorials this week, but I was able to manage. I like that my game is really coming along and I can’t wait to show you my progress next week! That's it for now!
