Unity Tutorial 08


Screenshot of Unity Lesson 4.4


This week we had to finish off lesson 4 (Sumo Battle game) and attempt unity challenge 4 (soccer game). 

I learned a lot of new functionalities, concepts and skills this week such as:

  • I learned how to make enemies spawn in waves.
  • How to increase the number of enemies each time the wave is defeated.
  • How to spawn a new powerup with every wave.
  • New C# script code such as For-loops, Increment (++) operator and FindObjectsOfType

Overall, I am very satisfied with lesson 4 (as a whole). I learned a lot of new programming skills. The coding was a bit complicated this week, but nothing too major (also, I guess it’s expected to be).

For the unity challenge, I had to fix some errors from a soccer game.

I had to figure out how to:

  • Send the enemy back when the player hits it.
  • Spawn a new wave when all enemies were removed
  • Make the power-up last a certain time, then disappear afterward.
  • Make the number of enemies match the number of waves
  • Make the enemies follow the player.
  • Bonus: Add a turbo boost to the player
  • Bonus Increase the enemies speed with every new wave.

Screenshot of Unity Challenge 4

Overall, the challenge was easy enough to be honest. However, I was having trouble matching the number of enemies with the number of waves, but I was able to figure it out by comparing the script from the sumo battle game with the script from the challenge. The bonus challenges were also complicated but every other error I was able to fix just fine. All in all, I am happy with the unity tutorials so far. I feel like I’m learning a lot from these tutorials!
