Tutorial 02


This week I continued with the “Ruby’s Adventure” tutorials.

For the first part of the unity tutorials, I learned how to fix the GameObject Ordering problem and how to create a prefab. I really like prefabs because they’re very helpful and they save a lot of the game designer’s time as you don’t need to change every GameObjects’ settings and components.

For the second part of the unity tutorials, I learned how to stop the character from walking through boxes or walking on water using the physics system and collisions. These tutorials helped me get a better understanding of the basics of the physics system. I like that the tutorials gave us “check your script” sections, I was kind of struggling and so these sections really helped me get through them.

screenshot of my unity

In conclusion, this week’s tutorials took me faster than last week’s simply because there were only two tutorials. I also feel like I’m getting better at understanding the instructions now. Last week I had to read the instructions a couple of times to understand them, but this week’s tutorials flew by, I hope this continues for the rest of the tutorials! That’s all for now, see you next week!
