Unity Tutorial 02

Screenshot of Unity Tutorial Lesson 1.4


This is the last session for lesson 1 Unity tutorials. I found the whole lesson very enjoyable and the videos were very easy to follow.

For this week, I completed Lesson 1.4. I leaned a lot of new functionalities, concepts and skills such like:

  • I learned how to control an objects movement. Now, when I press the up and down arrows (or the "W" and "S" keys) on my keyboard, the vehicle moves forwards and backwards and when I press the left and right keys (or the "A" and "D" keys), the vehicle turns.
  • I learned how to make the vehicle rotate on its Y axis using some C# script coding.
  • I learned how to clean up my workspace by creating an "empty object" in the hierarchy window.

I also attempted the Unity challenge. For this challenge, I had to add some C# code to the scripts to control the plane and make it move in the correct directions. I also had to move the Game View camera to its correct position. The challenge was a success!

Screenshot of Unity Challenge 1

All in all, the coding was a bit complicated to wrap my head around, but Shaun said that we’re not aiming to become game coders, we’re learning to come game designers so I don’t need to worry about that as much. Anyway, this was a successful lesson/challenge. I can’t wait to get stuck into the next set of Unity tutorials. I hope to learn a lot more functionalities in the next lesson as I would really help me develop my own individual game!
